Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- la-capitaine-icon-theme - An icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments
- ldacbt - AOSP libldac dispatcher
- leiningen - Clojure projects manager with bundled clojure
- libaacs - Open implementation of AACS specification
- libbdplus - Open implementation of BD+ protocol
- libbluray - Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback
- libcpuid - Provides CPU identification for x86
- libdca - DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder library
- libde265 - Open h.265 video codec implementation
- libdvbcsa - DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm with encryption and decryption capabilities
- libdvbpsi - Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
- libdvdcss - A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
- libmimic - Encoding/decoding library for Mimic V2.x
- libmms - Library for Microsoft Media Server (MMS) streaming protocol
- libmng - Library for Multiple-image Network Graphics support
- libmp3splt - Libraries for the mp3Splt project
- libmpeg2 - MPEG-2 decoder libraries
- libmysofa - C library to read HRTFs if they are stored in the AES69-2015 SOFA format
- libopenshot - Library for creating and editing videos
- libopenshot-audio - Audio library used by OpenShot
- libquicktime - Library for reading and writing Quicktime files
- libshout-idjc - Libshout modified for IDJC
- libtxc_dxtn - Free implementation of the s3tc texture compression algorithm
- libudev0-shim - Shared library to access udev device information
- libva-intel-driver - HW video decode support for Intel integrated graphics
- lighttable - LightTable - An open source code editor
- live555 - Live555.com streaming libraries