system environment/base

unitedrpms - UnitedRPMs Repository Configuration

License: GPLv3
UnitedRPMs is the solution for people with unstable Fedora distributions,
increase technical skills, create a Copr-like build system for package with
licensing problems. UnitedRPMs it's not a branch maintenance of other projects,
it is only a road to give the user a fast solution without fool bureaucracy
where everyone can help.

This package contains the UnitedRPMs GPG key, which holds
software that is not considered as Open Source Software according to the
Fedora packaging guidelines.


unitedrpms-30-17.fc30.src [11 KiB] Changelog by David Va (2020-05-17):
- Mirrorlist enabled again

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-13.fc29