- avidemux - Graphical video editing and transcoding tool
- avidemux-cli - CLI for avidemux
- avidemux-devel - Header files for avidemux
- avidemux-i18n - Translations for avidemux
- avidemux-libs - Libraries for avidemux
- avidemux-qt - Qt interface for avidemux
- cmus - Ncurses-Based Music Player
- dbgl - DOSBox Game Launcher
- devedeng - A program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)
- fdk-aac - Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
- ffmpeg - Digital VCR and streaming server
- ffmpeg-devel - Development package for ffmpeg
- ffmpeg-libs - Libraries for ffmpeg
- ffmpeg3 - Digital VCR and streaming server
- ffmpeg3-devel - Development package for ffmpeg3
- ffmpeg3-libs - Libraries for ffmpeg3
- ffmulticonverter - GUI File Format Converter
- flowblade - Multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux
- freetype-freeworld - A free and portable font rendering engine
- gamemode - Library combo for Linux that allows games to request a set of optimizations
- gnome-mpv - A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
- green-recorder - A simple yet functional desktop recorder for Linux systems. Supports both Xorg server and Wayland (GNOME).
- gstreamer1 - GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
- gstreamer1-devel - Libraries/include files for GStreamer streaming media framework
- gstreamer1-devel-docs - Developer documentation for GStreamer streaming media framework
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free - GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plugins
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel - Development files for the GStreamer media framework "bad" plug-ins
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras - Extra GStreamer "bad" plugins (less often used "bad" plugins)
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-fluidsynth - GStreamer "bad" plugins fluidsynth plugin
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-gtk - GStreamer "bad" plugins gtk plugin
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-wildmidi - GStreamer "bad" plugins wildmidi plugin
- gstreamer1-plugins-base - GStreamer streaming media framework base plugins
- gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel - GStreamer Base Plugins Development files
- gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel-docs - Developer documentation for GStreamer Base plugins library
- gstreamer1-plugins-base-tools - Tools for GStreamer streaming media framework base plugins
- gstreamer1-plugins-good - GStreamer plugins with good code and licensing
- gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras - Extra GStreamer plugins with good code and licensing
- gstreamer1-vaapi - GStreamer plugins to use VA API video acceleration
- handbrake-cli - An open-source multiplatform video transcoder (CLI)
- handbrake-gui - An open-source multiplatform video transcoder (GUI)
- kdenlive - Non-linear video editor
- komorebi - A beautiful and customizable desktop manager for Linux
- kvazaar - An open-source HEVC encoder
- kvazaar-devel - Development files for kvazaar
- kvazaar-libs - HEVC encoder kvazaar libraries
- libavdevice - Special devices muxing/demuxing library
- libavdevice3 - Special devices muxing/demuxing library
- libbdplus - Open implementation of BD+ protocol
- libbdplus-devel - Development files for libbdplus
- libbluray - Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback
- libbluray-bdj - BDJ support for libbluray
- libbluray-devel - Development files for libbluray
- libbluray-utils - Test utilities for libbluray
- libopenshot - Library for creating and editing videos
- libopenshot-audio - Audio library used by OpenShot
- libopenshot-audio-devel - Development files for libopenshot-audio
- libopenshot-devel - Development files for libopenshot
- libreoffice-gtk3 - LibreOffice GTK+ 3 integration plug-in
- libtxc_dxtn - Free implementation of the s3tc texture compression algorithm
- libva-intel-driver - HW video decode support for Intel integrated graphics
- mencoder - MPlayer movie encoder
- moc - Music on Console - Console audio player for Linux/UNIX
- mplayer - Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
- mplayer-common - MPlayer common files
- mplayer-doc - MPlayer documentation in various languages
- mplayer-gui - GUI for MPlayer
- mplayer-tools - Useful scripts for MPlayer
- mpv - Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
- mpv-libs - Dynamic library for Mpv frontends
- mpv-libs-devel - Development package for libmpv
- nemo-dropbox - Dropbox extension for nemo
- nvenc - A comprehensive set of APIs for hardware accelerated video encode and decode
- nvenc-samples - nvEncoder Sample application source code
- pocketsphinx - Real-time speech recognition
- pocketsphinx-devel - Header files for developing with pocketsphinx
- pocketsphinx-libs - Shared libraries for pocketsphinx executables
- pocketsphinx-models - Voice and language models for pocketsphinx
- pocketsphinx-plugin - Pocketsphinx gstreamer plugin
- pocketsphinx-python - Python interface to pocketsphinx
- pocketsphinx-python3 - Python3 interface to pocketsphinx
- python2-keyrings-alt - Alternate keyring implementations for python-keyring
- python3-keyrings-alt - Alternate keyring implementations for python-keyring
- rclone - rsync for cloud storage
- simplescreenrecorder - SimpleScreenRecorder is a screen recorder for Linux
- simplescreenrecorder-libs - SimpleScreenRecorder opengl injection library
- sphinxbase - Common library for CMU Sphinx voice recognition products
- sphinxbase-devel - Header and other development files for sphinxbase
- sphinxbase-libs - Libraries for sphinxbase
- sphinxbase-python - Python 2 interface to sphinxbase
- sphinxbase-python3 - Python 3 interface to sphinxbase
- steam - Installer for the Steam software distribution service
- united-dark-gnome-shell-theme - United Dark Shell theme
- united-dark-gtk2-theme - United Dark GTK+2 themes
- united-dark-gtk3-theme - United Dark GTK+3 themes
- united-dark-metacity-theme - United Dark Metacity themes
- united-dark-theme - United Dark GTK+2/GTK3-3 and Shell themes
- united-darker-gtk2-theme - United Darker GTK+2 themes
- united-darker-gtk3-theme - United Darker GTK+3 themes
- united-darker-metacity-theme - United Darker Metacity themes
- united-darker-theme - United Darker GTK+2/GTK3-3 themes
- united-gnome - GTK2/3 + GNOME Shell theme based on a Unity 8 design concept.
- united-gnome-shell-theme - United Shell theme
- united-gtk2-theme - United GTK+2 themes
- united-gtk3-theme - United GTK+3 themes
- united-light-gnome-shell-theme - United Light Shell theme
- united-metacity-theme - United Metacity themes
- united-theme - United GTK+2/GTK3-3 and Shell themes
- unitedrpms-appstream-data - Appstream metadata for the UnitedRPMs project repository
- vmaf - Library for perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion
- vmaf-devel - Development files for vmaf
- vmaf-static - Development files for vmaf
- xine-lib - A multimedia engine
- xine-lib-devel - Xine library development files
- xine-lib-extras - Additional plugins for xine-lib